
Coaching Model for Business Success

Also known as the ‘transition process’, the U-Process business success coaching is coaching for the transition towards change. The coached client may experience a shift in her emotions from denial to acceptance and moving on.

There are three stages to the U Scharmer coaching process. These are feeling, presence and awareness. These three stages represent the basics of the process and everything that follows the initial training process.

Before moving on to the U-Process model, the trainer and client must first establish what their goal is for doing the training. You both need to agree on your goals while processing with the U process.

The U-Process Scharmer model

The first stage in the Scharmer model U process is detection. This is the part of the process where the coach helps the client build awareness through observation. The client needs to be able to observe his business, his current position in the industry and in the world, if he wants his business to be globally competitive. The second stage is presence; This is the part of the coaching model where the coach and client begin to step back, reconsider, and allow insight to develop. The last stage is to realize that it is about acting fast with a natural flow from the knowledge that the client has gained from awareness and presence.

The U-process model is about integrating with the world. In the second stage of the U process there is the “inner door” where we drop the luggage of our trip, crossing a threshold. It’s like giving a client’s business a renaissance. This helps the client to let go and discover who they really are, to see from the depths of themselves, the emerging awareness that increases with a change of purpose.

The U-Process Case Study

The U-Process case study created during the Global Coaching Convention (GCC) by Dr. Sunny Stout Rostron, DProf, MA was for collaborative stakeholder dialogue in the company itself. There are five processes and they are based on the Scharmer U-Process model. The processes are:

    1. Co-initiation: This process consists of synchronizing with each other on the objectives. Empathize and know what the co-collaborator or stakeholder wants to do to achieve the objectives.
    1. Co-sensing – This is the part where all collaborators or interested parties observe, from conducting research to within the industry to which your company or organization belongs, what your business is currently in.
    1. Witness – Connect with the source of inspiration and will. Go to the place of silence and allow the inner knowing to emerge.
    1. Co-creation: model the new with living examples to explore the future by making the strategic plan.
  1. Co-evolutionary – Exemplify the innovative in the environment that allows understanding and acting from the whole. This process includes three stages: pre-convention, convention and post-convention.

This model is not only applicable for collaborative stakeholder problem solving, but is also applicable for each individual member of the company or organization. It just varies from where they would channel their inspiration to how they will evolve in tandem with the current process.

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